Christian Home Decor for Children

by | Nov 28, 2014 | Shopping

As Christian parents, you want to instill Biblical principles and influence in your children. One of the best ways to do this is to incorporate Christian home décor in your child’s room. Start by putting up framed Scriptures that you feel your child should memorize, so that he can grow spiritually and emotionally. Put up artwork that is nature themed to express that God created all living creatures.

Scripture Themed Area Rugs

Buy a Scripture themed area rug to place next to a bed. Choose a bold color that children are attracted to. When you buy the rug, discuss the scripture that is listed on the rug and how the child can apply it to his or her life. For instance, if the scripture is Ephesians 2:8, mention that the child’s salvation is only through his faith in Jesus Christ’s death, burial and resurrection. Talk about how because of Jesus Christ, your child has a home in heaven and that he has forgiveness of sins.

Church Activity Photo Collage

If your child attends church regularly and has been involved in church activities over the past few years, create a photo collage of all the activities your child has participated in, along with the pictures you took at the activities. Then you can hang the collage on your child’s door so that when guests walk by, they’ll see how active your child was in his church.

Bible Study Area

Since Bible study is important for every Christian, teach your child this truth by setting up a Bible study area in your child’s room. Fill the shelves with age appropriate Bible study materials and a study Bible that your child can understand. Also include videos and music that have biblical themes.

Nightlight That Plays Church Hymns

Praise music is a major part of a Christian’s life and if you want to teach your child the importance of praising God for who He is and the way He blesses your family, place a nightlight in the child’s room that plays traditional hymns. You can find this nightlight at most Christian bookstores.

Christian home décor is an excellent way to pass on your faith and religious traditions to your children. To know more visit our profile at: Website URL

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